Weekly One | Self-Belief | Email #3
Each Sunday, I send the Daring Dyslexic community an email with actionable strategies to boost your child's confidence, mindset, and self-esteem. Join my supportive community and receive practical, step-by-step tools delivered straight to your inbox – because your child's success story starts with just one small action each week.
Our Weekly One is short but powerful this week!
It's common for our Daring Dyslexics to lack belief in themselves and their abilities. While we are helping foster their mindset, confidence, and self-esteem, we can also bolster all these things by sharing that even when they don't believe in themselves, we do.
I believe in you
Share with your child every day, "I believe in you". That's it.
It's sharing a belief in who they are and who they are becoming; you believe in their goals, efforts, and dreams.
Again, this doesn't have to be about their academic progress; it could be when you drop them off at sports practice, kiss them goodnight, or take them on a walk to the park. It's a simple but hugely impactful statement to hear and feel from your parent.
As I started my healing journey after my discouraging school years, I began saying this to myself—to my wounded inner child. It has profoundly impacted me, and I share it with my children daily.
I would love to hear how it goes for you.
You've got this!
B 💜